Wednesday, January 10, 2007

what's auld, what's newe

It's been a long time! Hello. How was your New Year's and the bit that comes before? I had a nice time in Winnipeg with Paul, all things Kennett and Kowalawich, Hedley, Ducroix, Woods, Prince, and, well, you get the picture. Er, though I don't really have many pictures of people, here are some of the drive and the big snowfall we had just around New Year's.

2006, 2006... What can I say.

Nice things about 2006-- attending the Sage Hill Writing Experience and getting to know some new Montreal and Winnipeg friends... Revisiting my Scrabbalah project there and going on to publish new work from it in NoD and this month's Matrix. Having work from St. Ampede appear in Capilano Review... Appearing on the cover of Alberta Views as the antlered face of Alberta's "evolving culture..." Leading a poetry workshop at the Alexandra Writers Centre and getting to know three particularly talented poets who don't travel in the (sometimes claustrophopic) "Calgary Writing Community..." Joining the board of the Alberta Magazine Publisher's Association and meeting interesting and energetic people publishing magazines about all kinds of things, from horses to art to seniors to poetry... Our downstairs neighbour's cat Shudu returning after being missing for two weeks...

Not so nice things about 2006-- applying for two jobs at one of the few Calgary-based publishing companies, getting really excited about each job in succession and not getting either of them... Having the Booty rejected sight unseen from the fourth publisher we've tried... Having Scrabbalah rejected (albeit very nicely) on it's first submission...

Things that are neither all good nor all bad-- the house we've been in for about 4 years being sold (our address will be changing in March)... the Calgary Blow-Out and how things have changed since... Friends who've moved elsewhere (I wish they lived here but it's nice to visit other cities and nice to have pajama parties when they visit us!)

Things I am looking forward to in 2007-- !!!Cuba!!! in February with Paul, Chris and Sandy... Finding a new home... Getting two more cats to join Hunter...

And what am I wishing for? I so want at least one of my completed manuscripts to get accepted for publication, before they are published in their entirety in dribs and drabs and bits in 18 different magazines and chapbooks... And I am in the process of applying for some Writer-in-Residencies-- I would love to go to Vancouver Island, the Yukon, Toronto, or even get one here in Calgary...

And I resolve to: be a positive force and be open to the positive things around me. I was chatting with Andre for a long time at Travis, Jason, and Andrea's party before Christmas and I was struck by what an amazingly good-hearted and positive person he is. So, sure, making a list of the not-nice-things that happened in 2006 isn't all that positive, but it will be the last time I mention them as a negative, just to get it out of my system. Yay 2007!


Blogger rob mclennan said...

jill - went to send you an email today but it bounced; please respond...


rob mclennan

2:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yay Cuba!! And I firmly believe one of them manuscripts will get snatched up soon, because you are so talented and smart!! Others would be fools to not know that.

12:55 AM  

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